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Steamy Recs May 2024

Hi Wild Ones! A M/M and MMF novel, just in time for Pride Month! (Since I’m technically posting in June)

Surrender the Past by Kris Ripper

After reading The New Born Year I got really curious about Nick and Bernie, and also Lucy, Leo and Eddie – all of which have been side characters throughout the Scientific Universe series. This is the novel where you see how each couple/group comes together – M/M for Nick and Bernie, and FMM for Lucy, Leo and Eddie. I really enjoyed seeing how involved they all were in developing the Happily Ever After, that was fun. It’s also a second-chance romance for Nick and Bernie, which was interesting. It’s not a trope I read often, but I liked how it was done here. Also: quite intense kink, which I loved.

What have you read and watched this month? Hit reply and let me know if you have something fantastic!

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