Recommended Reads

Steamy Recs June 2024

Hi Wild Ones! A fun read by a new-to-me author (Pippa Grant), and some short stories by a current fave (Kris Ripper).

The One Who Loves You by Pippa Grant

This was my first Pippa Grant book and I really enjoyed it. It was funny, quirky, and far more heartwarming and touching than I expected it to be. I enjoyed it a lot, and have my eye on the second one.

If you’ve been keeping up with my Steamy Recs posts since December of last year, you know I’ve been reading Kris Ripper’s Scientific Method series. It’s full of kinky sex, M/M and M/F both, as well as polyamory. I thoroughly recommend the series. Well, I’ve come across a reading order post for the series that includes a ton of short stories. Many of them are free on zir blog. Score! I’ve started reading through those. I’d probably recommend you start with the core series before reading all the shorts, but that’s up to you. Anyway, here are a few that I’ve enjoyed so far.

Cordelia’s Library – Hugh’s mom’s story. Very sweet. Also, I bawled my eyes out – seriously. I wouldn’t recommend this until after reading the whole series because I think it would lack the emotional punch without all the backstory.

Hugh Gets a Gym Membership – Hugh meets Nick, a back character for the SMU series, and gets more than he bargained for. I really like Nick here, and I enjoyed the peek into Hugh’s early life. He’s different that I expected he would be.

A Whore in New York – a delightful M/M erotic story with a touch of the unexpected. A very interesting look at Hugh, through a new character’s eyes.

I love that there are a ton more stories to get into in that master post!!

What have you read and watched this month? Hit reply and let me know if you have something fantastic!

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