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Hi Wild Ones! Every month I recommend books, movies, and TV that I’ve enjoyed. Looking for your next read or watch? Read on. Another busy month, with lots of erotica this time. Some kinky, some not. Some lesbian, gay, and straight. All fun reads. A couple of these have been added to my Free Book Recs page! Check it out for lots of free reads.
Hi Wild Ones! Every month I recommend books, movies, and TV that I’ve enjoyed. Looking for your next read or watch? Read on. I finished a lot this month, including a massive fantasy novel that was so good. Also a contemporary rom-com, a sort-of post-apoc paranormal M/M, and some contemporary M/M short stories. Enjoy!
Hi Wild Ones! Every month I recommend books, movies, and TV that I’ve enjoyed. Looking for your next read or watch? Read on. I’ve got some fun Holiday / Thanksgiving / Christmas short stories to recommend. Plus a RomCom movie with some sexy male dancers. If you want more check out the Holiday and Christmas tag.
Hi Wild Ones! Every month I recommend books, movies, and TV that I’ve enjoyed. Looking for your next read or watch? Read on. This month I’ve got a VERY SPICY contemporary women’s fiction, an urban fantasy, a sci-fi, and a little slice-of-life short story. Plus a sci-fi TV show and a romcom for you to watch. Lots to get into!
Hi, Wild Ones! Looking for a kinky gift for a special partner this holiday season but not sure what to get? I’ve got you covered! I polled my mailing list, Facebook, Tumblr, and FetLife to see what the Top 5 best kinky gifts are. Read on to see what you kinksters are into!
Hey Wild Ones! I’ve been working on getting my own PayHip store set up for my books and I finally got it done – just in time for Black Friday! So I’ve got some books on sale for you to check out.
Once you pay you’ll get a link to download the epub file, which you can then load onto your ereader.
Happy Reading!
<3 Dominique
Hey, Wild Ones! I’d like to do a Kinky Holiday Gift-Giving Guide this year. I’d love your help putting it together! What’s your absolute favorite kinky thing you own? Or what would you really love to get if you could get anything? Let me know and you could win a free ebook copy of one of my books! Links would be fantastic if you can provide them. You can reply to this post or send me a message. I’ll be posting the guide to my blog in early December.
Hi Wild Ones! Every month I recommend books, movies, and TV that I’ve enjoyed. Looking for your next read or watch? Read on. This month I’ve got a VERY SPICY Paranormal Romance with a future post-apocalyptic feel, perfect for Halloween! Plus a couple of TV shows for you to watch: a sci-fi one with some wonderful characters and relationships, and a contemporary show which explores sex, motherhood, and the modern woman.
Hi Wild Ones! I’ve got a kinky M/M, an epic fantasy with all kinds of sex in it, and some sort-of kinky films to watch (with some caveats).
Hi Wild Ones! I’ve got a fun audiobook recommendation. Who doesn’t love a sexy librarian? If you do, click on through!
Hi Wild Ones! I’m sad to say I haven’t finished one damn romance book this whole month! I have two that I’m in the middle of, one audiobook and one paper book. I haven’t finished either. But I do have a romance TV rec! (along with half the population, probably, lol)
Hi Wild Ones! A fun read by a new-to-me author (Pippa Grant), and some short stories by a current fave (Kris Ripper).
Hi Wild Ones! A M/M and MMF novel, just in time for Pride Month! (Since I’m technically posting in June)
Hi Wild Ones! Time got away from me and I didn’t make a recs post in March! I finished out the main Scientific Universe series, and enjoyed it. I even started a side series with many of the same characters, which I’m also enjoying.
I’ve decided to stop including multiple store links for these posts. I think it’s a service to my readers, but it takes a lot of work to track them all down, and I just don’t have the time to do it. So going forward I’ll just post the title and author, and I’ll let you find the store that best suits you to buy it from. 🙂
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Hello, Wild Ones! This is Maria, from The Sinful Billionaire. Andrew and I told our story in that novel and it was life changing for us. So much love and struggle and deep kink! I’ve been thinking back on our story since Dominique has been launching our book recently. I came up with some songs that seemed to fit our journey and wanted to share them with you. If you want to follow along as you read our book, I’ve marked which chapters the songs correspond to. The playlist is a bit spoilery, just F.Y.I!
And here are the songs with individual links:
Hi Wild Ones! This was a month for epic fantasy (Kushiel’s Mercy), and books with a polyamorous leaning (the Scientific Method series). Actually, they both have a polyam element, even though it’s extremely mild and very background in Kushiel’s Mercy. But Love as Thou Wilt is a core tenant of the world of Terre d’Ange, and they mean it. It’s one of the things I love about that series.